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  • Constipation - Bowel Cleanout for Stool Impaction

    A bowel cleanout is a medical treatment plan ordered by your doctor. It is used for emptying out the rectum and colon (lower bowel).

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  • Contact Dermatitis - Allergic

    Red itchy area of the skin from contact with an allergic substance

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  • Contact Dermatitis - Irritant

    Red area of the skin from contact with an irritant

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  • Cough - Allergic

    Cough caused by pollens or other allergic substances.

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  • Cough - Symptom (Age 0-5)

    A cough is the sound made when the cough reflex clears the lungs. It helps protect the lungs from infections. A coughing fit or spell is over 5 minutes of nonstop coughing. Coughs can be dry (no mucus) or wet (with mucus).

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  • Cough - Symptom (Age 6-21)

    A cough is the sound made when the cough reflex clears the lungs. It helps protect the lungs from infections. A coughing fit or spell is over 5 minutes of nonstop coughing. Coughs can be dry (no mucus) or wet (with mucus)

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  • Cough - Viral (Age 0-5)

    Viral infection of the lower airway (the bronchi) that go to the lungs. This is the most common cause of a cough in children. Medical names are viral bronchitis, lower respiratory infection, LRI

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  • Cough - Viral (Age 6-21)

    Viral infection of the lower airway (the bronchi) that go to the lungs. This is the most common cause of a cough in children. Medical names are viral bronchitis, lower respiratory infection, LRI

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Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice