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American Academy of Pediatrics Logo

  • Breastfeeding - Mother's Breast Symptoms

    Breastfeeding questions about mother’s breast symptoms

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  • Breastfeeding - Mother's Diet and Alcohol Use

    Breastfeeding questions about mother’s diet and alcohol use. Main concern is how much gets into breastmilk and could this affect the baby.

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  • Breastfeeding - Mother's Illness

    Breastfeeding questions about mother’s illness

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  • Breastfeeding - Mother's Medicines and Smoking

    Breastfeeding questions about mother’s medicines, drugs or smoking. Main concern is how much gets into breastmilk and could this affect the baby.

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  • Breath-Holding Spell

    A spell that includes holding the breath, then turning blue and passing out.

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  • Bronchiolitis (RSV)

    A viral infection of the smallest airways in the lungs. Wheezing is the main symptom. Average age for getting bronchiolitis is 6 months (Range: birth to 2 years).

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  • Bruises

    Bruises to the skin anywhere on the body. Bruises are bleeding into the skin from damaged blood vessels

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  • Burns

    Burns to the skin. A burn is a heat, chemical or electrical injury to the skin

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Schmitt Pediatric Care Advice